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Home Learning

Strategy for Remote Learning in the event of Covid -19 cases within the school Community

This is our provision for home learning should any children or year group have to self-isolate or the school is forced to close.

In developing are contingency plans, we will ensure we;

  • use a curriculum sequence that allows access to high-quality online resources and teaching videos which are linked to the school’s curriculum expectations
  • give access to high quality remote education resources through Tapestry
  • provide printed resources, such as textbooks and workbooks, for pupils who do not have suitable online access
  • recognise that some pupils with SEND may need a differentiated curriculum set work so that pupils have meaningful and ambitious work each day in a number of different subjects
  • teach a planned and well-sequenced curriculum so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally, with a good level of clarity about what is intended to be taught and practised in each subject
  • provide frequent, clear explanations of new content, delivered by a teacher in the school through high-quality curriculum resources or videos
  • gauge how well pupils are progressing through the curriculum, using questions and other suitable tasks and set a clear expectation on how regularly teachers will check work

Having reflected on the successful experiences in the past, we have decided to continue to use Tapestry to post home learning, receive photos/videos of work and give feedback. This technology is already familiar to staff, pupils and parents and we recognise from your feedback that the vast majority of children and families were extremely happy with this platform for infant children.

Individual Cases

In the event of an individual needing to isolate at home, the school will prepare a ten day home learning timetable which can be accessed via the school website or emailed to you.. The ten day home learning programme will focus on key skills and knowledge from our three year group curriculums. These pre-prepared units of learning will include units for English (including phonics and handwriting), Maths and some non-core subjects. Work can be uploaded on to Tapestry so that teachers can respond. However, we must stress that teacher responses may be delayed if they are teaching the remainder of the class during the day. Staff workload is a major consideration in these circumstances and teachers cannot prepare lessons for their class, teach, mark, assess and re-plan whilst managing remote/home learning for individuals at the same time. When your child returns to school we will review their work with them and pick up on any misconceptions.

Where children themselves are unwell, we will not be expecting any home learning to be completed, as this would not be appropriate.
Where parents are unwell, we will communicate with them to establish how much home learning is possible.

Whole Class / Year Group Isolation

In the event that a whole class or year group have to isolate, then we will upload daily lessons on to Tapestry and this will be a continuation of our broad curriculum already planned for the autumn term. This learning will be a mixture of video-based teaching using teacher made videos and other relevant worksheets and practical sessions. Class teachers who are also having to isolate with their class will be able to review work promptly and give helpful feedback.

Online resources


Oxford Owl has produced a range of ebooks that are sorted in to the same coloured book bands the children read in school. You will need to sign up for a free account and then the children will have access to a wide range of reading material at home.



PE Daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks at 9 am. This is on

‘Rocksteady at Home is a new distance learning programme created especially to meet the needs of parents and children at this unusual time.

Art and craft Daily crafts club with hobby craft which can be accessed through Instagram, twitter or facebook if you #KidsCraftClub you can share your children’s creations.
General This includes 20 learning apps recommended by the Guardian newspaper   This website has lots of fun games and activities that you can play and do with your children to encourage the early development.

Speech and language  This website has lots of speech and language resources, advice and tips for parents working at home with their children who have Speech, Language, Communication Needs.